CSO [NST Edition]
Counter-Strike NST is Modded CS 1.6 by sontung0, ...Torchlight
Torchlight is game RPG for PC and released in 2009, ...Bermain Games LAN mode melalui Internet (VPN jaringan)
Cara Mudah Untuk LAN melalui Internet (VPN jaringan) 1. Penjelasan 2. Apa yang kita perlukan 3. Mengapa menggunakan Tunngle? 4. Instalasi 5. Bermain 6. Masalah Umum |
Cara Mengkoneksikan Database dengan Visual Basic
Untuk dapat mengakses suatu database dari visual basic, Anda harus membuat koneksi ke database tersebut. Visual basic dapat menangani berbagai database, teks bakan worksheet excel. Terdapat beberapa cara yang tersedia untuk itu sesuai dengan database yang digunakan.
Apa itu SQL, DDL, DML, dan DCL?
Apa itu SQL?
SQL merupakan singkatan dari Structured Query Language. SQL atau juga sering disebut sebagai query merupakan suatu bahasa (language) yang digunakan untuk mengakses database. SQL dikenalkan pertama kali dalam IBM pada tahun 1970 dan sebuah standar ISO dan ANSII ditetapkan untuk SQL. Standar ini tidak tergantung pada mesin yang digunakan (IBM, Microsoft atau Oracle). Hampir semua software database mengenal atau mengerti SQL. Jadi, perintah SQL pada semua software database hampir sama.
Terdapat 3 (tiga) jenis perintah SQL, yaitu DDL, DML dan DCL.
NFS Hot Pursuit 2010
Cities XL 2011
Developer: Focus Home Interactive|
Publisher: Focus Home Interactive|
Genre: Strategy (Manage / Busin. / Real-time) / 3D|
Release Date: 2010-10-14
Title: Cities XL Limited Edition (2010/ENG/Milti3/FASiSO release/CRACKED)
Year: 2010
Genre: Strategy (Manage/Busin. / Real-time) / 3D
Developer: Monte Cristo
Platform: PC
Hoyle Card Games 2011
- Classic
- Astro Jack
- Backroom Blackjack
- Special 21s
- Video Blackjack - all featuring exciting animation
when player gets a natural (21 in the first two cards dealt)
- Video Poker
- Single hand with 17 varieties to play and
- Multi-hand with 3 varieties to play
System Requirements
OS X 10.4.11-10.6
Intel Core Solo processor or better
1.5 GHz or higher processor
512 MB RAM
64MB VRAM (Intel GMA chipsets supported)
3 GB hard drive space
33.6 Kbps modem or faster and internet service provider ***
required for internet access. Broadband internet service recommended.
PC | Windows | EN | Rockstar Toronto | 798 Mb
Genre: action-adventure, third-person, shooter
Minimum System Requirements
Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP processor (or better)
384(+) MB of RAM
16x DVD-ROM drive
4.7 GB of free Hard Disk space for a full install
128(+) MB Video Card with DirectX 9 compatible drivers ("GeForce4" or better)
DirectX 9 compatible Surround Sound Card
Game pad with twin axis analog controls (USB or Joystick Port)
Keyboard & Mouse
DragonBall Online
Tron: Evolution is an upcoming action-adventure tie-in video game for the film Tron: Legacy currently in development by Propaganda Games, to be published by Disney Interactive. It was officially announced at the Spike Video Game Awards and will be released for the Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, Xbox 360, Wii and Nintendo DS platforms
on 7 December 2010. Additional DLC will be available post-launch. The music in the game was composed by Sascha Dikiciyan (aka Sonic Mayhem), Cris Velasco (God of War) and Kevin Manthei. Two tracks from the film composed by Daft Punk will be included in the game: "Derezzed" and "The Grid".
It was Age 784 when Goku snuck away from the Tenkaichi Budokai with Uub.
Tron Evolution RELOADED (2010)

Evolution is a third-person action game with racing and RPG elements incorporated. The game features both singleplayer and multiplayer modes. The basic gameplay focuses on acrobatics and combat. Player's movements are heavily parkour-influenced, while combat was inspired by capoeira. The game also features light cycle races. Each cycle leaves a light trail that can hurt or "de-res" any enemy. Evolution features persistent character progression system, that lets players earn new levels and unlock new upgrades, both in multiplayer and singleplayer.
Counter 1.6 Version 48 - Final Release by Dexa
Protocol 48 Non-Steam
Exe version Build: (4554) FIX Bug in Vista & Win 7
NEW REVOLUTION Emulator 9.83
Added - FPS & PING Booster (Much FPS)
Non-Steam server Browser (Play Online on 1000 Servers)
FIX - Bug Serverbrowser with favorites using Setti MasterServer
Play on LAN or Internet
Added - Option to launch listen server in LAN mode
Compatible with sXe
Steam Account / CD-Key NOT required. Installing, running, playing.
Half Life Multiplayer Games
Bots included v2.5
Counter Strike Source 1.9.1 + Bot
1.7 GHz processor (3.0 Ghz recommended)
512MB RAM (1GB recommended)
DirectX 8.1 video card (DirectX 9 recommended)
Internet connection (for online play)
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Blog Archive
- PDF To Text Converter
- Bermain Games LAN mode melalui Internet (VPN jarin...
- Cara Mengkoneksikan Database dengan Visual Basic
- Apa itu SQL, DDL, DML, dan DCL?
- NFS Hot Pursuit 2010
- Cities XL 2011
- Hoyle Card Games 2011
- DragonBall Online
- Tron Evolution RELOADED (2010)
- Counter 1.6 Version 48 - Final Release by Dexa
- Counter Strike Source 1.9.1 + Bot